Thursday, October 2, 2008

a typical day at Sint-Bavo

for a school day on maandag, donderdag en vrijdag (Monday, Thursday and Friday, respectively)- Tuesday and Wednesday (half day!- all students in Belgium get out at 12) are different.

7:00- wake up, go downstairs and have breakfast with my host-mom: cereal and coffee, make my lunch
7:30- back upstairs to get dressed/ ready for school (my school has a uniform, so it shouldn't take long to get dressed, but sometimes it's hard to find clean socks...)
7:53- race out the door because my bus comes at 7:55
7:55 (never later- the public transportation here in Belgium is awesomely on-time)- wedge myself between people on the over-crowded bus to school. I'll spend the next 10 minutes breathing peoples hair products and being far closer to strangers than any normal situation would call for.
8:08- arrive at school (Sint-Bavohumaniora, in the historical center of Gent. Sint-Bavo is a Catholic school, but in Belgium Catholic schools get government funding as well, so it's not private. We're known as the "groentjes" (or "little green ones") because our uniforms are green.) and make the first trip of many to my locker (which, for those of you who went to Canyon (I don't know what the Creekside lockers looked like), are about the size of our little PE lockers- the ones in 6th grade where we had to have a separate combination lock. And they have a key, not a combo lock.). Then it's off to find the other 6th years until the bell rings.
8:15- bell rings. We all have to line up according to class and then listen to the headmistress read the announcements, the bible, the school rules, poetry etc enz. During this time, the teachers walk up and down the rows making sure we're all in uniform, facing front and being quiet. The quiet part is kind of a wasted effort. (this is for Tuesday-Friday. On Monday, school starts at 8:35, because the internaats move in. Sint-Bavo is also a boarding school, so the internaats (boarders) move in on Monday, stay until Friday and then go home for the weekend)
8:25- first class of the day begins. each class is 50 minutes and we have 7 classes a day, not including lunch. There are 2 classes in the morning, and then...
10:10- 10 minute break
10:20- 2 more classes before lunch
12:00- LUNCH! we have an hour and a half for lunch, and 6th years are allowed out of the school for lunch (it's a closed campus for everyone else), so we usually eat in the city somewhere
1:20- three more classes
4:00- school's out. last locker trip of the day and then I either take the bus home, or stay in the city and do any necessary shopping/ exploring.

my schedule:
maandag- Godsdeinst, Engels, Geschiedenis, Nederlands, LO, LO, Fysica
dinsdag- AFS Dutch lesson in the morning (I miss two periods of Economie, one of Chemie and one free), free, free, free
woensdag- Engels, free, free, free
donderdag- Economie, Seminarie Economie, Biologie, free, Economie, Esthetica, Nederlands
vrijdag- free, Nederlands, Geschiedenis, free, Godsdienst, Aardrijkskunde, Nederlands

*note: I have free periods when the rest of my class has French, German and math, so I go to either the library or the study hall.
godsdienst= religion
engels= englsih
geschiedenis= history
nederlands= dutch
LO (lichamelijke opvoeding)= PE
fysica= physics
chemie= chemistry
economie= economics
seminarie economie= we're creating our own small business (business plans, bookkeeping, entrepeneurship etc)
biologie= biology
esthetica= esthetics- basically art and music history
aardrijkskunde= geography

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