Thursday, October 2, 2008

this is what happens when you stare out the window during class...

The other day, I was staring out the window in Godsdienst (Religion) and I saw something that I think is worth sharing, although sadly I didn't have my camera with me at the time to document it. From the window, I can see the tower (or is it steeple? do Catholic churches have steeples?) of Sint-Baafskathedral, which is currently under renovation, so there's scaffolding almost to the top and a big crane next to it. For the past few weeks, there has been a porta-potty on one of the upper levels of the scaffolding. At first I thought it was funny that there was such a contrast in old, fancy church-ness and a dark green plastic supersize porta-potty, but it makes sense, no?
Anyway, the other day, I looked out the window and saw the crane lowering the porta-potty back down. This makes sense too, except it was really funny to see a porta-potty spinning around about 200 feet up in air next to Sint-Baafskathedral. I'm sure none of you find it quite as amusing as I do (it's one of those "you had to be there" moments I think), but it makes me laugh to think about it, so I thought I'd share it. For reference, here's a picture of Sint-Baafskathedral (which btw is the namesake of our school. St. Bavo's feast day was yesterday, 1 Oktober.)

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