Thursday, October 2, 2008

inkomensverdeling, babbeltjes and bohemian rhapsody

So, I'm in Economie-Wiskunde (for those of you unfamiliar with the European school system-which would be most of you- students choose a focus-a little like a major-during the last half of secondary school (which by the way is 6 years- the equivalent of 7th grade in the US to 12th grade) and take classes with other students in their "track" that are specialized for that interest. For example, I have 5 hours of econ a week whereas someone who's taking Latin-Greek might only have 1), but because there's only 6 of us, we're combined with the rest of 6B (ie. Economie- Moderne Talen) for most of our classes. Economie- Moderne Talen (Economics- Modern Languages; Economie-Wiskunde is Economics- Math) is known at Sint-Bavo as the "easy class" and has a bit of a reputation as having the not-so-bright students of the 6th year. And I'm not going to lie- some of them fit that category perfectly. But everyone (well, almost) talks. And I don't just mean at break or before class starts. Always, when the teacher is teaching or talking, when someone else is talking, just after being reprimanded for talking etc. I've never seen anything like it in a classroom before. And the teachers don't punish anyone (apparently, it's allowed, but no one does it). So we spend the whole period of economie on 2 questions (ie. doing nothing) while my econ teacher bangs on the window wither her keys in an effort to get us to shut up. It doesn't work, but one of these days, she's going to break a window.
And then there's Esthetica (basically art- and music-history), which is a whole nother can of worms...basically, the teacher can't teach, the student's aren't interested and Mr. Van Tricht looks really funny when he plays the piano. That combined with the fact that we don't have to take notes (or pay attention for that matter) because all his powerpoints/ notes are posted online, is enough to create chaos.

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