Sunday, December 18, 2011


Leaving for Belgium this afternoon.  I’m headed back for 3.5 weeks, almost three years after I was there last.  I’ll be spending Christmas with family in Gent and visiting my old haunts with Emily.  Hopefully, further continental travel will ensue. Plans still up in the air. 
My goal is to do what I didn’t do the first time around: actually use this blog.  The plan is to post something new every day, whether it be a picture, many pictures, words or some combination thereof.  We’ll see what happens – I’m a bit curious!
This picture pretty sufficiently sums up my emotional state post-finals: sprawled out on the floor amidst R’s packing frenzy. Pre-ankle sprain, post-last minute run (quite literally) to Mail Services to pick up my camera’s memory card.
Packing on Saturday morning. Fueled by the Stones, Jackson Browne and a good, healthy dose of the Scissor Sisters.
Done. Please note the backpack sitting by my dresser. That is, in fact, all I am bringing (with the exception of my Swelles tote as a carry-on).  Also notable is the lack of plant life – looks so sad!
Happy Holidays to all those I won’t see back in the States, and much love to those close to me!
xoxox M.

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