Thursday, February 12, 2009

oh the times, they are a-changin'

*Note: found this while editing the blog layout.  Decided to post along with most other unfinished posts in the hopes of having a) some new content, and b) a more complete blog of my year*

College applications take up your life. Actually, they just ensure that you have no life for that one two-week period just before they're due and leave you tired of yourself, your achievements and writing in general. And who would have guessed that Wellesley needed my school reports translated into English, and that my English teacher would give me a 6 page description of the history of Sint-Bavohumaniora, in which the transformation from textile factory to Catholic girls boarding school is described in great detail? And thus began my hiatus from my journal, both online and on paper. I'm regretting it now, because I know it's going to be a bear to try and catch up, but it will be so worthwhile thirty years from now. So now, armed with a blanket, my Nalgene, Voltaire and Bob Dylan, I am going to conquer this writer's block, and at least get something out into cyberspace.
In Dutch, we're starting a unit on language, more specifically the psychology associated with language and the manner that we, as children, learn our mother tongue. One of the theories we've looked at is that of the language acquisition device, one popularized by the American linguist Noam Chomsky.

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