Sunday, November 2, 2008

10 little things that make me extraordinarily happy...

1. when it has just rained and there's still water in between the glass of bus windows. When the bus moves, it makes waves and looks like those science experiments at the Exploratorium in San Francisco.
2. when my train is a double-decker one and I can choose between upstairs or downstairs and it's never crowded so I can read my Metro (the Dutch version, not French) in peace and not have to share the table.
3. when the people under 19 get in free at cool places like Gravensteen or Rubens' house. Or when zoos offer free entrance for students with bananas.
4. the clear, crisp smell of the air after a few days of rain.
5. playing Jungle Speed. It's really fun when I win, but also fun to have a good story afterward of the fight for the totem pole thing.
6. wandering around Leuven with spoons and jars of speculoos
7. watching the presidential debates on my iPod on the train
8. eating baked apples with cinnamon and ice cream and hot chocolate sauce for dessert
9. climbing castle towers
10. wearing mismatched or white socks (even though they don't do either here in Belgium)

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